Learn about Haven Protocol
Haven (XHV) is the world's first network of private stable assets.
It enables holding wealth as crypto, in private, without volatility. It's like having your own bank.
Users convert from XHV, a form of private treasury note, to xUSD, the world's first private algorithmic stablecoin. xUSD is converted to other private assets (xAssets) like xAG (Silver), xAU (Gold), xBTC (Bitcoin), etc.
Haven ensures 1 xUSD can always be converted to $1 worth of XHV minus slippage costs on the blockchain regardless of the price of xUSD on public exchanges.
or try
Read instructions how to install Haven Protocol (XHV).
Buy XHV from TradeOgre
or NonKYC
or XeggeX
or CoinEX.
Buy xUSD from TradeOgre
or NonKYC.
Trade xAU with xUSD on NonKYC or xAG with xUSD.
Trade XHV with xUSD on NonKYC.
How it works
Haven has elastic supply of XHV, xUSD, and xAssets. It's a fork of Monero, adds Proof-of-Value to ensure converted value is equal between assets during conversions, adds Vault Backed Shoring (VBS) to balance inflation of XHV and xUSD, and simulates slippage like real world exchanges. VBS currently targets an XHV:xUSD market cap ratio of 10:1 to support xUSD pegged at $1 on public exchanges.
18.4 million XHV will be created by mining. Demand for xUSD can mint an unlimited number of xUSD by burning XHV. Demand for XHV can mint an unlimited number of XHV by burning xUSD.
Converting XHV to xUSD (going offshore) and converting xUSD to XHV (coming back onshore) requires holding XHV as collateral equal to the converted amount multiplied by VBS. The collateral is locked for 1 days during the conversion to prevent excessive and rapid minting of XHV that would cause a death spiral. The converted amount unlocks in 1 day. When the conversion completes the collateral is unlocked and returned to the user.
Transactions are private. Transaction addresses and amounts are hidden like Monero.
Conversions are less private. Conversion addresses are hidden but amounts are public to keep track of the total supply.
Converting XHV to xUSD unlocks the converted amount in 1 day and the collateral in 1 days. Same for converting xUSD to XHV.
Converting xUSD to xAssets unlocks the converted amount in 2 days and does not require collateral. Same for converting xAssets to xUSD.
Converting from XHV directly to xAssets in one step isn't allowed.
Haven's hypothesis is:
You can't back something with a real world
asset. It's impossible to do accurately,
impossible to audit, and impossible to do
without counterparty risk.
Exchanging assets on the blockchain with
burn and mint is the only way to ensure you
can always convert a stablecoin for another
asset at a known and fixed peg. All other
pegs can fail because of counterparty risk.
As long as the blockchain runs, exchanging
on the blockchain cannot fail because the
protocol defines you will always get $1
worth of XHV back for your xUSD.
- If Monero is digital gold, xUSD is digital cash. Monero never can be because it's volatile and hoarded instead of spent. If Monero is the future Bitcoin, Haven is the future competition to CBDCs.
Haven has a way. It gets the real world value of XHV and xAssets from a Chainlink oracle, pegs xUSD to $1 on the blockchain, and manages the supply.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some use cases for a stablecoin?
The biggest use case for a stablecoin so far is to store cash in it. As of April 2024 USDT (Tether) has a $107 billion dollar marketcap and USDC (Circle) has a $30 billion dollar marketcap.
Another use case is to purchase goods from merchants.
Why not use Monero?
Monero is volatile. Its price can change a lot unexpectedly and it dropped more than 75% before.
xUSD is designed to be stable. Haven's protocol defines xUSD is always worth $1 on the blockchain. xUSD is converted at $1 for xAssets on the blockchain regardless of xUSD's price on public exchanges.
Monero is only one asset. Haven supports multiple xAssets and exchanging between them in private.
Is burn and mint similar to redeeming gold for fiat?
No. It's very very different. You're converting, not redeeming. If XHV were stored away waiting for you to redeem your xUSD then XHV would be "backing" xUSD. But that's not the case.
In a gold-backed fiat currency, gold is stored away to back the fiat. When the price of gold goes up, more fiat can be issued. When the price of gold goes down, more gold is needed to back the fiat or the fiat loses its purchasing power and de-pegs. The gold stored away to back the fiat shouldn't be used as collateral for anything else but in many cases it does get used, reducing the backing and breaking the rules.
In comparison, the XHV used to mint xUSD is burned. It's impossible to reduce xUSD's backing by using the XHV as collateral for something else because the XHV no longer exists. In a way, burning XHV provides better protection from rehypothecation than gold.
Since xUSD can be converted to xAU, why is XHV needed?
If you want xAU, buy xAU directly or buy xUSD and convert it to xAU. XHV isn't needed to buy xUSD or xAU.
XHV was needed in the beginning when the blockchain started. There was no xUSD or xAssets then. Some XHV had to be burned to mint the first xUSD. XHV is needed as one way to mint more xUSD.
Is xUSD backed by XHV?
No. The market cap for XHV could be $1 while the market cap for xAssets could be billions of dollars and the system would still work.
XHV represents demand for new xUSD and new xAssets. It's reasonable to assume: when demand to mint new xUSD and xAssets is low XHV price is low, and when demand for new xUSD and xAssets is high XHV price is high.
What is xUSD backed by?
xUSD and xAssets are backed by Proof-of-Work mining, a scarce supply even if elastic, Vault Backed Shoring that balances inflation of XHV and xUSD, simulated slippage like real world exchanges, and by real world use of xUSD and xAssets. A big use case of xUSD and xAssets is to trade in private in the vault.
Ultimately all money is backed by only one thing, and it's the same thing: confidence. If you and I have confidence that something is money, and you are willing to take it from me because you are confident that you can give it to somebody else in exchange for goods and services, it's money. Confidence is low in the beginning of a new ecosystem and it increases as the total network value of the ecosystem increases. For the first 9 months Bitcoin was worth $0.06. Now it's worth over $60,000.
Does XHV price drop when xUSD is converted to XHV?
No. When xUSD is converted to XHV the XHV supply increases but so does XHV's market cap. In the math the XHV price stays the same.
Buying and selling on markets has nothing to do with Haven's protocol.
Is Haven like Luna?
No. Luna burned LUNA to mint TUST but it offered unsustainable yield rates backed by crypto held in company wallets. When large amounts of TUST were unstaked and TUST depegged the company sold BTC removing much of the backing and driving LUNA and TUST to $0.
In Haven XHV is burned to mint xUSD but XHV isn't held by a company and xUSD is backed only by real world use. Haven also has VBS designed to prevent a death spiral and simulates slippage.
Binance ex-CEO CZ said Luna had the right idea but failed on execution.
Is Haven an L2 (layer two) solution for Monero?
No. Haven has it's own blockchain. It's an L1 (layer one).
Does Haven use only Proof-Of-Work (PoW) or is it a hybrid?
Haven uses only Proof-Of-Work (PoW) to mine coins.
Haven uses Proof-Of-Value (PoV) to convert value between assets. This can burn XHV to mint xUSD, burn xUSD to mint XHV, burn xUSD to mint xAssets, and burn xAssets to mint xUSD. All these PoV conversions transfer equal value between assets and don't devalue the ecosystem.
How secure is Haven?
Security in a Proof-of-Work (PoW) network is measured by its hashrate cost. Haven uses a different version of Monero's CryptoNote hashing algorithm. Haven's hashrate is 622.4 KH/s and Monero's 3.0 GH/s. If these algorithms are equally fast Haven is 0.0002x as secure as Monero.
Why not do atomic swaps of Monero with a stablecoin?
Stablecoins with reserves can lose their peg. Reserves can turn out to be missing when audited. Reserves held in a bank can be lost if the bank mismanages the reserves or goes bankrupt.
Most stablecoins aren't private. xUSD is private.
What does Haven's oracle do?
It reports the market price of XHV, xUSD, and xAssets. These prices are used by the blockchain to convert between assets.
The oracle's goal isn't to keep the price of the stablecoins stable.
How is the price of Haven's stablecoins kept stable?
By making it easy to arbitrage xAsset and xUSD prices.
When xUSD sells for less than $1 on exchanges, xUSD is bought from exchanges, converted to XHV in Haven's vault for $1 minus slippage costs, and sold on exchanges.
When xUSD sells for more than $1 on exchanges, XHV is converted to xUSD in Haven's vault and the xUSD is sold on exchanges.
What happens if the price feed is disrupted?
When the price feed is disrupted conversions aren't possible.
What happens if the US Dollar loses its dominance or stability in the future?
It's possible for the Haven community to agree to upgrade Haven to replace xUSD with another stable asset.
Does Haven recognize xAG (Silver) as collateral when converting from xUSD to XHV?
The only collateral used in Haven is XHV. XHV is used as collateral only when converting from XHV to xUSD and from xUSD to XHV.
Has xAG (Silver) been maintaining its peg to the oracle price?
Yes. But probably because xAG was trading with an xAsset (xUSD). When trading with a non-xAsset, xAG can depeg.
Inside the vault, xAssets are pegged to the oracle price. They maintained their peg and the protocol ensures they will maintain it.
Outside the vault, xAsset prices are defined by the market. xAssets trading with an xAsset have maintained their peg to the oracle price. It's reasonable to assume an xAsset trading with another xAsset will maintain their peg because any percentage depeg for an outside-the-vault xAsset will be based on the percentage depeg of xUSD, and this will be the same as the percentage depeg of the second xAsset. The percentage depeg of two xAssets trading with each other cancel out.
Outside the vault, xAssets trading with a non-xAsset have not maintained their peg. xUSD lost its peg to USDT. It's reasonable to assume xAssets will lose their peg when xUSD loses its peg and will restore it when xUSD does.
Can I withdraw cash out of Haven without a CEX?
No. Withdrawing cash from Haven depends on a centralized exchange (CEX). Same for most cryptocurrencies.
An important use case is to get merchants to accept xUSD payments. Merchants haven't begun adopting xUSD.
Did Haven have a premine?
No. It is believed the initial developers solo mined about 95,000 XHV (0.1% of supply) that were sold on the market by January 7th 2019. Since then a new team of developers took over the project.
In comparison it is believed Satoshi Nakamoto solo mined 1.1m BTC (5.2% of supply). About 0.5m LTC (0.5% of supply) were mined at launch because of high demand and the difficulty adjustment capped at 4x by the LTC/BTC protocol due to a bug.
Did Haven have fair distribution of the XHV supply?
No. Conversions between July 20th 2020 and June 4th 2022 minted millions of XHV without simulating slippage. The lack of slippage enabled the xUSD whale to accumulate 10m XHV starting with 100k XHV and having spent only $2,400. The impact of these conversions on the supply is still playing out as XHV supply is inflating since September 13th 2023 when VBS was set to 10. It is believed this made XHV similar to a 13.6%-23.9% pre-mine assuming holders who minted XHV without slippage haven't also been buying the new XHV supply minted since September 13th 2023.
After slippage was activated on July 8th 2024, Haven announced on August 1st 2024 an agreement with the xUSD whale who had converted 2m XHV into 15m xUSD without slippage. The agreement was to burn 10m of his xUSD in return for 2.5m XHV going to the whale. The 10m xUSD were burned on August 28th 2024. After the burn the whale announced Haven can also burn the 2.5m XHV he would have received.
How is Haven development funded?
Haven development is funded by a 1.5% fee from asset conversions and community crowdfunding. The 1.5% fee may be reduced in the future as conversion volume increases. Funds are used for development, exchange listings, and marketing, used to compensate exchanges and miners for two rollbacks after two hacks, and used to compensate miners for a bug that burnt miner fees. Treasury reports are public. Haven is open-source and didn't receive venture capital.
The mining pool hashvault.pro controls about 59% of Haven's hashrate.
Conversions depend on a price feed from a Chainlink oracle that charges the Haven dev team $200 per month. The price feed is provided by an API hosted on centralized servers.