Spam-Proof Email offers free email accounts that block spam by requiring the sender to pay you first.

Spammers must pay you directly to get an email through.


How it works

Sending an email requires a fee of at least 0.18 xUSD as collateral.

The email is sent only after the fee is paid.

The recipient can set their anti-spam fee to any price for incoming email. Setting a fee of 0 xUSD accepts all email including spam.

If the recipient believes the email was sent in good faith and was not spam the recipient refunds the fee.

If the recipient is an user the recipient earns 95% of the fee and earns 5%.

This is all done in the web-based email client.

Requiring a fee ensures each email you get is worth it.

Anti-spam protocol

Email clients must set the headers
X-Anti-Spam-Address: haven_wallet_address
X-Anti-Spam-Coin: xUSD

haven_wallet_address is a single-use Haven subaddress created with:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"email": ""}' \

The haven_wallet_address must have received the fee and at least 1 confirmation. A haven_wallet_address can be used only once per email.


Email spam is a problem. An untried solution is to have fees. Spammers can't afford the fees to send thousands of emails. Fees work in Bitcoin.

To stop human-like bots the fee must be over 0.01 xUSD.

When a company sends you a marketing email this consumes your attention but you don't get paid for it. It's the advertising platform who gets paid. The money goes to the middleman to send you spam.

Want to get paid directly? And name your own price? And stop spam?

Companies spend $10.9 billion annually on email marketing. They make money showing ads that sell you stuff with 40x ROI. stops the spam and gets you paid for the ads. Your attention belongs to you.

With xUSD this is the first time email spam is stopped with untraceable stablecoin micropayments. It adds Proof-of-Work for the email sender like Hashcash and pays the recipient.


To keep the service free we plan to cover costs from the fees. Else we might charge some small ~$1 xUSD monthly fee.

There's no storage limit.